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The Turtles of Espírito Santo. Yes, if they're born here, they're “Capixabas”!

Writer: Leonardo MerçonLeonardo Merçon

In Search of the Capixaba Sea Turtles

Tartaruga-cabeçuda desovando em praia de Regência com o mar e o céu estrelado ao fundo, foto feita com técnica de longa exposição.
Loggerhead Turtle spawning in Regência with the starry sky. | Photo: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios

I traveled to Regência, in Espírito Santo, with my friend Professor Sérgio Lucena. 

Our goal was to photograph the sea turtles nesting, following in the footsteps of the ancient naturalists who explored Brazil over 200 years ago. 

It was a grand adventure, full of challenges and memorable moments.

I traveled to Regência, in Espírito Santo, with my friend Professor Sérgio Lucena. 

Our goal was to photograph the sea turtles nesting, following in the footsteps of the ancient naturalists who explored Brazil over 200 years ago. 

It was a grand adventure, full of challenges and memorable moments.

The Fascinating History of Prince Maximilian

Professor Sérgio invited me on this expedition inspired by the journey of Prince Maximilian of Wied-Neuwied, a naturalist who explored Brazil in the early 19th century. 

Maximilian described various species, landscapes, and cultures, documenting his journey in books that became references for scientists and nature enthusiasts. 

Following his footsteps allowed us not only to photograph the beautiful sea turtles but also to reflect on the changes that have occurred over the past 200 years.

Storm and Nest Rescue

When we arrived in Regência, a violent storm was brewing... the sky was filled with heavy clouds, and the sea was rough.

Loggerhead turtle spawing in Regência under the cloudy sky
Loggerhead turtle spawning in Regência under the cloudy sky | Photo: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios

The ocean was advancing over the beach, destroying the turtle nests. We put our plans aside and joined forces with Projeto Tamar and the Reserva de Comboios team to help. 

Relocating the eggs was a tough task, but knowing we saved hundreds of baby turtles was extremely gratifying. 

The Projeto Tamar and Rebio teams heroically stood between the aggressive waves and the turtle eggs they protect, managing to save hundreds of them.

Team of Projeto Tamar rescue turtle eggs | Photo: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios

In the following days, after the storm, we finally witnessed the turtles nesting under a starry sky.

Loggerhead Turtle spawning in Regência with the starry sky after storm
Loggerhead Turtle spawning in Regência with the starry sky after storm | Photo: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios


The Magic of Nighttime Nesting

Our goal was to photograph the turtles nesting with the starry sky in the background. 

The loggerhead turtles, focused on nesting, seemed to be in a trance, completely ignoring our presence. 

Guided by Professor Sergio Lucena and the researchers from Projeto Tamar, we managed to replicate the famous illustration by Prince Maximilian of Wied, made during his journey to Brazil between 1815 and 1817.

Illustration of Maximiliano de Wied's expedition to Brazil
Illustration of Maximiliano de Wied expedition to Brazil (1815-1817) | Credit: Wellcome Collection

Professor Sérgio Lucena replicating historical scene by Maximiliano de Wied
Professor Sérgio Lucena replicating historical scene by Maximiliano de Wied | Photo: Leonardo Merçon / Instituto Últimos Refúgios

Using long-exposure techniques, we captured both the nesting moment and the starry night sky.

Loggerhead turtle spawing in Regência under night sky
Loggerhead turtle spawning in Regência under night sky | Foto: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios

Stories and Adventures

Witnessing the turtles nesting was a unique experience. Seeing these majestic creatures so dedicated to the continuity of their species filled me with hope and admiration.

Leonardo Merçon photographing turtle spawning in Regência
Leonardo Merçon photographing turtle spawning in Regência | Photo: Ilka Westermeyer / Instituto Últimos Refúgios

Detail of loggerhead turtle nest and eggs in Regência
Detail of loggerhead turtle nest and eggs in Regência | Photo: Leonardo Merçon / Instituto Últimos Refúgios

The adventure of rescuing the nests during the storm demonstrated the power of collaboration and the importance of conservation work.

Interesting Facts About Loggerhead Turtles

Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are known for their large heads and powerful jaws. 

They are omnivorous, primarily feeding on marine bed invertebrates such as gastropods, bivalves, and decapods. They also consume sponges, corals, polychaete worms, sea anemones, and cephalopods. 

During open ocean migrations, their diet includes jellyfish, floating mollusks, squid, and flying fish, showcasing their adaptability to different marine environments.

Unfortunately, they are classified as vulnerable by both the IUCN and the MMA due to threats such as habitat loss and accidental capture in fishing nets. 

In Brazil, the priority nesting areas are located along the coasts of Espírito Santo, Bahia, and Sergipe.

Loggerhead turtle laying eggs in Regência with horizon and animal trail in the starry background
Loggerhead turtle laying eggs in Regência with horizon and animal trail in the starry background | Photo: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios

A Legacy of Conservation

The conservation work of Projeto Tamar has been fundamental for the survival of sea turtles in Brazil. 

Their awareness campaigns and environmental education have helped reduce the hunting of turtles and their eggs and protect nesting habitats. 

My hope is that my images can also contribute, even modestly, to this important cause. 

In the end, I'm happy that in this adventure, we were able to help hundreds of baby turtles have another chance at life.

baby turtles going to the sea after born | Photo: Leonardo Merçon/Instituto Últimos Refúgios

Documenting this story was one of the most exciting experiences of my life!

Pride in Capixaba Wonders

If you are from Espírito Santo, share this wonder of our state with your friends. If you are from elsewhere, come visit Espírito Santo and fall in love with our natural beauties. 💚

Visit, comment, like, and share this content. Your interaction is essential to keep my conservation flame alive and show the world the importance of protecting our biodiversity.

I hope you enjoyed this story. See you on the next adventure!


Nature photographer and cinematographer, founder of Instituto Últimos Refúgios, Master in Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development, passionate about the environment! Join me on this incredible journey of wildlife discoveries and see more beautiful stories as I constantly explore nature.



© 2004 by Leonardo Merçon Photography

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